More than three months and I haven't blogged once! Kept myself pretty busy with church, home, and general keeping a little painting done around the house, tried to do as much as possible in my RS calling...and on the 10th of March, I returned to the US for a visit! Flat Stanley arrived in an envelope to Sweden from my grandson Brandon and returned with me...more on that later. When I arrived to SEATAC Nathan picked me up and we had a great couple of days (including some fun times with the girls...watching swimming lessons, going out to lunch, just fun time together) before I left to drive up to Bellingham to spend that Friday, Sat., and part of Sunday with Bryan and family. How great to see everyone and see the beautiful house that he has build...watching them enjoy the space and comfort of it showed how very much they deserved it after all these years of sacrificing for it! It was a wonderful birthday dinner with them when I arrived...BBQing steak on their covered porch, with all of the trimmings for the celebration! What a great visit with all when I was there! Sunday I returned to Nate and Ashleys for a birthday dinner there and a great celebration that next day with Hayle on her 6th birthday! We were able to go shopping together for her gift and then go to lunch...she chose pizza and I've never seen her eat so much! What a great young lady!![](
Happy Birthday Hayle!
That Tuesday I drove to Utah...lots of snow in the Cascades, but nowhere else on the roads thank goodness! It is wonderful to be here with Scott, Elizabeth and family and get lots of grandma hugs! The most awesome thing about being a grandma! I have been enjoying my time here and trying to recoup from the flying, driving and jet lag! What a busy couple of weeks!
Happy Birthday Hayle!