Tuesday, January 6, 2009


At 10:30 pm Sunday before New Years in Kristianstad, I met the chartered bus with the youth in Malmö stake with some other leaders. What an experience!!! I was to supervise all the girls from the stake...there were only 7 from the ages of 14 through 18, two from Kristianstad Branch...many more boys....
After a cheerful send off.... we were on our way...picking up others on the 14.5 hour trip to Gävle...north of Stockholm.

What a thrilling experience it was to spend the week with the fine youth from all over Sweden...I was especially proud of our youth from Kristianstad for their appropriateness and leadership! Activities included classes
, meals, dances, sports and wonderful socializing! Their were 16 girls and one other leader in our room and it was wild...sleeping on the floor (thank goodness for air mattresses!) in a school...girls getting ready for dances, etc...it's been a while for me! We had a wonderful mix of backgrounds and had prayer each night in a different language...awesome!After a fun filled four days we headed for home to catch up on some much needed sleep! An activity well worth the trip...beautiful country, awesome youth and a great time!


Musicmom-Amy said...

How exciting!! Despite the sleeping arrangements. Gotta love air mattresses.

Kristine said...

I love reading all about what you are doing. I don't think you ever slow down! Sometimes I have to take a break just thinking about all you enjoy and accomplish!